I Won’t Be Laughing

​There is a saying that I think is often very true. “She who laughs last, laughs best.” There are so many divergent opinions on issues these days. Politics, the so called pandemic and the world system’s overreaching over it. ​Racial issues and theories on how to correct it. Religions. Does God even exist? What is truth? Why do we exist, or do we exist? ​ ​(And we are diverging on opinions already I imagine for many readers and that’s okay.) ​The debates and opinions could go on and on. The person who ends up finding real truth and peace for the longest time will be the winner who can laugh last and best.

Whatever ​a person believes about ​the final result of humanity and life on planet earth, whoever ends up right will be right and that is it. I do believe in absolute truth found in the Bible. I believe in eternal life for every human soul. ​Everyone naturally desires to live forever and I believe, deep in their soul, knows they are eternal. ​It is inconceivable that any human soul with so much potential should just cease to exist. The wonders of nature and my own humanity testify to God as Creator. The Bible clearly explains that human beings are eternal souls and that God made everything. A person’s refusal to believe in absolute truth does not negate its existence.

There will be one of two final destinations for every human soul as the Bible teaches​–eternal reward or eternal destruction​. If/since my faith in Christ is true and right, all Christ believers and I will win. Christ deniers will lose. But I won’t be laughing. Nothing troubles my heart more than the thought of ANYONE even the most vile, evil person going into eternal destruction. And the thought of my loved ones and the many souls I care so much for–it is a burden I carry every day. It has actually been a huge test and personal struggle for me to trust God with his righteous justice against sin.  But God is God and I am not. As Sovereign Creator He has every right to do what He wills and His will can never be thwarted by anyone. Jesus wins. He has already won the eternal war, but for reasons we cannot usually understand, He is allowing time for evil to rage and also patiently waiting for more people to believe in Him before He declares time up for humanity. Sometimes He allows battles to be lost, or perhaps it only seems that way this side of eternity. But the eternal war was already won at the cross, at Christ’s resurrection from the dead, and in Christ’s ascension to the Father God in heaven where Christ is interceding for and helping His own. And Christ’s return is promised. It will happen. ​What more could God do than give His only Son Jesus to pay the price for human sin and make a way for peace and reconciliation? God Himself became human forever (Jesus Christ is fully God and fully human forever) to bridge the gap and purchase our redemption from sin. ​

So this is why I endeavor to proclaim God’s excellencies in my own little ways. This is why I pray for God’s mercy and help and salvation for everyone I know and love every day. No I won’t be laughing last when I am proven right​. ​ ​I’ll be proven right ​because Jesus Christ is real, He will save His own, and He will reign forever​. Christ will give His followers a part of his reign of glory, somehow by grace, whatever that will look like and turn out to be. I won’t be laughing​ on judgment day. ​I will be so full of sorrow when I see Christ deniers go needlessly into their eternal ​destruction. The tears and sorrow Christ will most have to wipe away from my eyes and soul, as He has promised He will, will especially be my sorrow over lost souls​. Christ will wipe my sorrow and tears away ​so I can enter eternity in peace and happiness. God will do it; this is what comforts my soul and bolsters my faith and trust in Christ now. ​God IS GOOD. His judgments are righteous and trustworthy. ​

Oh reader, oh friend, do you know Jesus personally? Has He ever called to your heart like He has called to mine? Will you consider Him? Please direct message or email me if I can be of assistance. I recommend a little book called “Who Is Jesus?” by Gilbert and I’d be happy to send it to you.  https://www.crossway.org/books/who-is-jesus-case/

Please also consider this blog post which is my way of telling the bad news about human sin ​separating us from God ​and the good news of Jesus Christ and His salvation​ for all who will believe. ​This is explained throughout the Bible.

I am praying…. and trusting.  Please listen ​​carefully for God’s call. 

2 thoughts on “I Won’t Be Laughing

  1. Beth,
    Such a good read this morning. You feel that it comes from deep in your heart. I pray that those in need of our Savior will contact you. That God gives you the wisdom and words for each person personally. That they will feel the love that comes from deep within your heart to share the love of our Savior.

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